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Field Tests of Cement


Field Tests of Cement 

  1. Date of Manufacturing: As the strength of cement reduces with age, the date of manufacturing of cement bags should be checked.
  2. Cement Color: The color of cement should be uniform. It should be typical cement color i.e. gray color with a light greenish shade.
  3. Whether Hard Lumps are Formed: Cement should be free from hard lumps. Such lumps are formed by the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere.
  4. Temperature Inside Cement Bag: If the hand is plunged into a bag of cement, it should be cool inside the cement bag. If hydration reaction takes place inside the bag, it will become warm.
  5. Smoothness Test: When cement is touched or rubbed in between fingers, it should give a smooth feeling. If it felt rough, it indicates adulteration with sand.
  6. Water Sinking Test: If a small quantity of cement is thrown into the water, it should float some time before finally sinking.
  7. The smell of Cement Paste: A thin paste of cement with water should feel sticky between the fingers. If the cement contains too much-pounded clay and silt as an adulterant, the paste will give an earthy smell.
  8. Glass Plate Test: A thick paste of cement with water is made on a piece of a glass plate and it is kept under water for 24 hours. It should set and not crack.
  9. Block Test: A 25mm × 25mm × 200mm (1”×1”×8”) block of cement with water is made. The block is then immersed in water for three days. After removing, it is supported 150mm apart and a weight of 15kg uniformly placed over it. If it shows no sign of failure the cement is good.
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